Poker Sharpener 1.2

You can customize your poker playing experience with user friendly preferences
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1.2.36 See all
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Poker Sharpener helps you win more money by providing real time odds calculations, statistics, and tools to analyze your Texas Holdem game and become a better poker player.
With Poker Sharpenter you can view real time opponent muck cards, profiles, and statistics right on the poker screen with the built in Heads Up Display (HUD), click on the poker table to pop up details of how any opponent is playing, formulate the best game play decisions based on context relevant statistics and use the odds calculator to properly evaluate your outs.

You can use the preflop starting hand selection features to decide which hands to play and how, review your opponents recent starting hands and how they played them, identify table and player trends with configurable live charts, automatically monitor and record multiple poker tables simultaneously, compare statistics for players at the table with the table summary grid.

And finally, you can customize your poker playing experience with user friendly preferences and evaluate your financial performance over time.



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